Thursday, November 11, 2010

Oh The Irony Of It All

First and foremost: a hearty thank you to those who served their country whether or not they agreed with politics or war.  Happy Veteran's Day.

Second... I had something shipped from a distant library to my library because I need it desperately and immediately.  I got an email from my library this morning saying that it was in and I could come pick it up when I liked.  So, I drove to the library today, was delighted because the parking meters were free (Veteran's Day) and then completely flummoxed that the library was closed (Veteran's Day).  My urgent request will have to wait until tomorrow. 


  1. Oops. Funny how your brain works on one level and totally fails to make connections another :)

  2. SOOO true.

    I don't think I'd have missed the connection if I hadn't gotten the email from the library the same day they were closed. :/

    Scarlett & Viaggiatore

  3. That dratted automated mail huh! You could create a whole short story based on unrequited love and automated mail ;)

  4. Verilion,

    It's true! I could do that!! It all worked out, thankfully, but it was no fun in the interim!


    Scarlett & Viaggiatore
